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HTTP Proxies enable external applications to request data from another system through Alumio in real-time. An HTTP proxy configuration enables an API endpoint for another application to connect to.

HTTP Proxies can be created and maintained by navigating to Connections -> HTTP Proxies.

Creating and maintaining HTTP proxies

Possible configuration fields:

  • Name - A name describing the operation this configuration performs, i.e. ERP Order Simulation
  • Identifier - A unique identifier for this HTTP proxy (this field is automatically generated based on the name).
  • Description - Detailed description for the HTTP proxy.
  • Disabled - A flag that indicates whether the HTTP proxy configuration is disabled. Disabled HTTP proxy configurations do not process data.
  • Request URI - The URL of the system where the request needs to be forwarded. Depending on the selected HTTP client this may contain a full URL or an endpoint.
  • Request Method - The request method used for the forwarded request. 
  • Forward Method - A flag that indicates whether the request method used by the consumer should be used instead of the value defined in the Request Method field.
  • HTTP Client - The HTTP client used to forward the request. Required when the external system requires additional authorization which is not provided by the consumer.
  • Body deserializer - 
  • Matcher - The matcher may be used to validate the request is coming from a legitimate source. An example would be a custom header with a common secret, used by both parties to validate the legitimacy of a request.
  • Processors to apply on the request before forwarding it - These processors enable functionality to be run before the request is forwarded. 
    • Headers - Remove - Remove any headers sent by the consumer.
    • Headers - Remove all except given - Remove all headers except the ones defined sent by the consumer.
    • Headers - Set - Set headers that need to be forwarded to the endpoint.
    • Transform request data - Execute transformers on the incoming data. They may also be used to set fields required by the endpoint but not provided by the consumer.
  • Processors to apply on the response - 
    • Headers - Remove - Remove any headers sent by the endpoint.
    • Headers - Remove all except given - Remove all headers except the ones defined sent by the endpoint.
    • Headers - Set - Set headers that need to be returned to the consumer.
    • Transform response data - Execute transformers on the outgoing data. They may also be used to set fields required by the consumer but not provided by the endpoint.

Using an HTTP proxy

To make use of an HTTP proxy you need to share your Alumio environment's HTTP proxy base URL, as well as the relevant identifier. Depending on the settings of your HTTP proxy you may also need to share any request validators.

The HTTP proxy base URL can be found on the Info page under Settings -> Info.

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