
Alumio is a front-runner in providing integration solutions, and what makes this iPaaS platform different from others is that it offers simplistic syntaxes and techniques to accomplish several data modifications.. If you have just started with Alumio, here is a quick guide for you on how to utilize the placeholder notations and arrays within the platform.

Modifying Data With A Basic Transformer

Step 1.1: You can start with an entity transformer- Data, transform data using mappers and conditions

Step 1.2: Here, add a Value setter transformer, for example. Within it, you can address a certain key. In this scenario, let’s assume that you wish to get products as the key and then its first item (0) from the following data.

Data X


“products” : {

0 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95


1 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95


2 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 10




Step 1.3:  Under the transformer’s configuration, you can specify the Key as products.0.sku if you are looking to modify the value of sku of the first item (0).  

Step 1.4: Set the Value as string and specify changed the sku within it, considering that is what you want to replace the value of sku with.

Step 1.5: Hit the Run Test button on the right-hand panel. The Results will reflect that the value of the sku has been changed. Here is how it will look!


“products” : {

0 : {

“sku” : “changed the sku”

“price” : 9.95


1 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95


2 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 10




Similarly, if you go back to Step 3 and specify the Key as products.1.sku and hit the Run Test button, the sku string of the second product (1) will be modified.

Using Data That’s Already Present Using Placeholder Notation

Now, what if you wish to use data that is already within data X

Step 2.1: Add another transformer by clicking on Add data transformer and selecting Value setter as its type. 

Step 2..2: You have to utilize the placeholder notation within the Key this time, which is: &{}

Let’s assume that you wish to create a new key having all the information of the key products (from data X).

Step 2.3: You can set the Key as new_key and set the Value as string again. You have to specify &{products} as the syntax. The placeholder notation comes into play here.

Step 2.4: Click on the Run Test button. Now, you will see that the Results will reflect the new_key at the bottomcontaining all the information that the products key has.

Here’s how it will look like!


“products” : [

0 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95


1 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95


2 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 10




“new_key” : [

0 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95


1 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95


2 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 10




Using James Path

Using this technique, you can set some pre-conditions while copying data to a new key. 

For example, in this case, while copying data from products to new_data, you can choose to include only those products that match a specific price of 9.95. To do it, go back to Step 2.3 and specify &{products[?price== “9.95]”} as the syntax.

The products that fail to match the condition (in this case, 2) will get omitted, while others will be copied. 

As you hit the Run Test button, this is what you will see.


“products” : [

0 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95


1 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95


2 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 10




“new_key” : [

0 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95


1 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95




Picking Up Specific Products (From Data X) & Variables Within That

You can also pick up a specific product (for example, 0) from the key products (refer data X) and include it in the new_key. In this case, simply go back to Step 2.3 and specify &{products[0]} as the syntax. 

Note: If you specify &{products.0} as the syntax, it will prompt an Internal Server Error if you are working with an array. In this case, you are working on an array and thus, the 0 must be within [].

This time, as you hit the Run Test button, the new_key will only include the data of “0” (under the key products).

Diving further, you can also pick just a variable from a specific product and include it in the new_key. Let’s say you want to pick up the variable sku from 1. Go back to Step 2.3 and specify &{products[1].sku} as the syntax. The new_key will only include the sku data of “1” in this case.

Using Node Transformers

Here’s how you can utilize a node transformer where you can modify data using patterns. 

Step 3.1: Click on Add entity transformer and select Node, transform nodes from the drop-down menu. 

Step 3.2: From the Accessor drop-down menu, select a Pattern accessor.

Step 3.3: In the Pattern field, you have to provide a certain pattern where you want to implement some data modifications. 

For example, you can refer to data X, and mention products.1 here. It will take us to the level of node under the key products

Note: If you mention products[1] as the syntax, no changes will be made since a pattern accessor will fail to recognize where you are directing it to. 

Step 3.4: To modify data, you can click on Add data transformer and select Value Setter from the drop-down menu. 

Step 3.5: Moving on to the Configurations, you can add a Key. For example, you can specify the key as alumio

Step 3.6: Next, you can set the Value as string (for example) and specify it as is awesome.

Step 3.7: Click on the Run Test button. You will see that the Results will show this.


“products” : {

0 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95


1 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 9.95

“alumio” : “is awesome”


2 : {

“sku” : “sku123”

“price” : 10




Wrapping Up!

In this guide, we have tried to provide a detailed insight on how to utilize the placeholder notations and arrays within Alumio. As we strive to make the platform better and more user-friendly, we will come up with several guides in the coming days to make it easier for everyone to learn and use this top-notch iPaaS platform. Stay tuned with us!