
Entity transformers are generally utilized to execute data actions within the integrations. A few instances of such actions can be the transformation of data to desired formats and developing caching layers that optimize the integrations. Transformers are also capable of enriching a data object by accomplishing extra API calls. In Alumio, entity transformers can be created and altered by going to Connections -> Entity transformers. This article sheds some light on how to effectively utilize the functionalities in the entity transformer page.

If you open the Transformers page, you can view all the transformers present within a specific environment with different names. While naming a transformer, you must make it a point to make the function of the transformer easily understandable with the naming. 

Also, we strongly suggest that a transformer must be built with a single dependency to ensure that each transformer has its specific use. You can use as many transformers as you wish within the incoming and outgoing configurations or a route. A combination of transformers (having a specific use case) will allow you to map or transform the data as per requirement. This approach also makes the transformers and data transformations more recognizable and manageable.


Filters In The Transformer Page

On the top-left corner of the entity transformer page, you will come across the various filter options that you can utilize.

These are the following filters:

Name: It allows you to search a transformer by name.

Created At: It allows you to list the task/tasks created at a specific time.

Updated At: It allows you to list the task/tasks updated at a specific time.

Add Filter +: The Add Filter + button allows you to search for tasks based on Identifier, Description or Status.

Other Functionalities

On the top-right corner, you can see the pagination button that allows you to toggle through different pages of listed transformers. 

There is also a Columns button present which can be utilized to select or deselect certain columns (tabs of the Entity Transformer Page) as per requirement.

Just to the left of the Pagination button, there is a + button, using which, you can create a new entity transformer.

Creating An Entity Transformer

Let's go through the step-step guide to create an entity transformer.

Step 1: Click on the + button to create a new entity transformer. You will be redirected to the entity transformer set-up page.

Step 2:  You must start the journey by giving the transformer a suitable name. For example, you can name it Map Customer From System A to System B

Note: Before saving the transformer, you must include at least one function under Settings or else a validation error will pop up when you try to save it. 

Note 2: It is recommended that you always select a Chain multiple entity transformers in the Settings to begin with. The reason is that chaining will allow you to utilize a series of entity transformers. There are numerous Data transformers to choose from to slice and dice the data.

Step 3: On the right side, there is the Transformer Tester section. 

Here, you can fill the data (or information) that you wish to retrieve through the transformer, in the Input box. In most scenarios, you can simply copy and paste the data coming from a specific task. You can click on Save Test to save the data.

In addition to that, you can create multiple tests and save them distinctly as well. You can simply use the Search Bar of the Transformer tester to look for them by typing the test names. This feature facilitates trial and testing with the data. For instance, you can check what happens with the data when you filter it within one test while not filtering it in another test.

This also comes in handy when you need to share the transformer with a fellow colleague or the support team. Also, the data won’t be lost if you refresh the page, once the test (or tests) is saved. 

There is an Enlarge button just to the right of the Transformer tester to give you an enlarged and better overview of the data. 

There is also a Run Test button that allows you to run tests on the input data after you have finished configuring the transformer.  The transformer will then modify the data and you can see the results in the Results box.

Note: There is a divider between the Transformer tester on the right and the Transformer configuration set up on the left, which you can adjust as per your wish.  

Closing Thoughts

As the leading iPaaS platform offering smooth integrations, Alumio offers its users to implement entity transformers with ease and grace. Let’s hope that this article has provided you with the requisite knowledge of the Alumio Entity Transformer page. Check out our other articles on transformers to learn more!