
HTTP facilitates communication between network servers and software. It happens through simultaneous sending and receiving of HTTP requests and responses respectively. Authentication plays an important role in these communications. This article provides an insight on how to best utilize the HTTP authentication page.


Filters In The Alumio HTTP Authentications Overview Page

On the top-left corner of the Alumio HTTP authentications Overview page, there are various filter options that you can utilize.

These are the following filters:

Name: It allows you to search an authenticator by name.

Created At: It allows you to list the authenticator/authenticators created at a specific time.

Updated At: It allows you to list the authenticator/authenticators updated at a specific time.

Add Filter +: The Add Filter + button allows you to search for authenticators based on different available parameters.

Creating An HTTP Authentication Page

Here is a step-by-step guide to easily create an HTTP authentication page.

Step 1: Just to the left of the Pagination button, there is a + button, using which, you can create new HTTP authentications. Click on the + button.

Step 2: To start with, provide a name to the HTTP authentication that you are setting up. For instance, you can name it Magento 2 Bearing Token Authentication in a scenario where you are authenticating them. You can also add a brief Description for it.

Step 3: Subsequently, you have to select the Settings. In this case, for example, you can select Bearer token authentication based on the naming. Next, you have to specify the Token that you are looking to authenticate. 

Insights Into Other Authentications

There are a host of other authentication settings that you can utilize such as Basic Authentication, Amazon Web Service (AWS), Oauth2 authentication, and much more.

Authentications like Oauth 2 come with extra specifications and fields. For instance, Oauth 2 demands a Provider field to be set by you, which is basically the same thing you mention for the HTTP client. The only difference is that authentication is being done here. So, once you fill the Provider in here, you can also re-use that in a client environment. 

Step 3.1: For example, you can choose Generic as the Provider and set Client credentials as the Grant Type.

Next, you have to fill in all the client credentials such as Client ID, Client Secret, Token UL, and Scopes

Step 3.2: Click on the Retrieve an access token key button and it will be stored in the Key field, You can then handle everything with the refresh token.

Step 4: Once you are done, you just need to hit the Save & Continue button at the top right corner. Now, when you go back to the HTTP authentications Overview page, you will see the Magento 2 Bearing Token Authentication listed there. 

If you have a client created already, you can simply head for the Authentications to use field, and specify the newly created Magento 2 Bearing Token Authentication there.

Winding Up

Alumio makes it quite easy to set up authenticators either directly or through the HTTP Client. You can also create custom HTTP Authentication entities before applying them. Let's hope that you have found this article helpful. To understand better, do not forget to watch the video!