
As you begin integrating 3rd party services into your application, you will realize that it is useful to have diverse environments (for example, development and production environments). You can understand environment variables as predetermined values that are typically utilized to configure a value in your code from "outside" the native application (that you are using). If you are using Alumio, here is a simple tutorial article for you to utilize the Environment Variable page within Alumio. The environment variables within Alumio are quite similar to a look-up table in any other system.


The Environment Variable page lists the environment variables within Alumio. In simple words, the environment variables are some specific values that link to another value. By nature, these variables are both static and dynamic in nature. 

For instance, in scenarios where there is a specific ID/URLs that you use throughout the whole system, they can be placed within environment variables. 

Note: Alumio experts recommend placing all such URLs that are connected to other systems at one place. This will allow you to have a crystal clear idea about where a specific URL is stored because they can be easily scrolled through in the Environment Variable page.

Getting Started With The Environment Variable Page

You can see all the tabs that you will also find in many of the other Alumio pages such as:

Name:  It lists the environment variables by their names.

Value: It displays the value of the environment variable.

Encrypted: It reflects the encryption status of the environment variable.

Implementing An Environment Variable In Alumio

In this tour, we will refer to a demo environment variable called ${DEMO_BASE_URL} that has been created already (watch the YouTube video above).

We are assuming that this variable will be used with a HTTP client called Demo Client in Plugins to use > URL.

To do that, you have to use ${ as a prefix in the URL field. Instantaneously, a drop-down menu will display all of the environment variable options available. You can select the required variable from here. In this case, you will be choosing the ${DEMO_BASE_URL} variable as discussed above. Click on the Save button at the top-right corner to save the HTTP client with the environment variable assigned to it.

How Can You Create A New Environment Variable In Alumio? 

Follow this step-by-step tutorial guide to create new environment variables in Alumio.

Step 1: Just like many other pages of Alumio, there is a + button to the left of the Pagination button. Click on that + button.

Step 2: There are two fields Name and Value that you have to fill. There is also an option for encryption if you enable the Encrypted box. Encryption is mostly used for sensitive information such as passwords, API tokens, bearing tokens, and much more.

Click on the Save & continue button when you are done!

Step  3: Click on the Back button. Now, you will see that the value is listed in the Environment Variable page. 

Note 1: The values, if encrypted, will display a combination of lock and dots under the Value tab in the list. While the relevant systems can still understand the values, you won’t be seeing them. 

Note 2: There is another functionality that if a variable information is used to get any kind of token or request, etc, the variable will be stripped of logins. It will show up as rejected to provide an extra layer of security. 

The environment variables (even the encrypted ones) can also be used within entity transformers.


Closing Note!

Now that we have discussed everything about the environment variables in Al;umio, we hope that you will have absolutely no trouble using them. Stay tuned with us for further updates or contact our experts if you are facing a problem that’s not covered here!